March 2021

News / 23.03.2021

Our new GP registrar, Dr Isabel Lee has joined us for 6 months. She has a wide variety of experience from her time working in the hospital. We are pleased to welcome her to our team and she is looking forward to supporting you with your...

News / 15.03.2021

Covid: we would like to remind you that at Level 1, we are still required to have patients sign in at Reception or use the manual tracer of the QR code. Any patient with respiratory/sore throat symptoms, should call first and discuss their condition with a...

News / 15.03.2021

We encourage patients to respect the allocated consultation time of 15minutes. However there will be times that delays arise as our doctors may be required to unexpectedly manage acute cases. To reduce your inconvenience we will now text you before your appointment if your doctor...